Job placement to job offer: STEPS provides workplace opportunities
Nataliia Boyd started her work placement at Treeti Business Consulting expecting to gain some valuable experience in an administration role.
Not only did Ms Boyd gain valuable work experience, but following the completion of her placement, she gained a job.
Originally from the Ukraine, Ms Boyd moved to Australia in 2017 and found communication was challenging – so she concentrated on building her English skills.
Ms Boyd was able to experience the workplace through the Settlement Language Pathways to Employment and Training (SLPET) program at STEPS Education and Training in Casuarina.
The SLPET program makes the transition to work easier for new Australians by focusing on English language skills for the workplace.
Ms Boyd said the program covered practical information, like workplace legislation and business terminology but also offered her a chance to build her confidence, have new experiences and form new friendships.
“I would definitely recommend this course for those who are genuinely willing to get a job, as it is a real opportunity to get into the workforce.”
She said the course gave her knowledge and support and had a huge impact on her communication skills.
Ms Boyd’s work placement success demonstrates the value of work experience, not only to jobseekers but to employers as well.
General Manager of Treeti Business Consulting Megan Holzfeind said Ms Boyd’s work placement was a great experience for them.
“The process was relatively simple and STEPS provided great support for both the student and work placement provider.”
Ms Holzfeind said she noticed Ms Boyd’s friendly and professional attitude straight away.
“Nataliia has been a great addition to our team, her strong work ethic, accuracy and attention to detail is really important to the work she does.”
“Our organisation has a strong focus on hiring people who have a great attitude and are a cultural fit for our team. “
Ms Holzfeind said they were glad to have had the opportunity to work with STEPS and participate in the work placement.
She said they came to know STEPS Education and Training through their own work in providing business support for entrepreneurs in the community.
Treeti Business Consulting, in partnership with Business Station, delivers Entrepreneurship Facilitators Services, a program that supports young entrepreneurs and helps them to realise their business goals.
Ms Holzfeind offered some advice for job seekers transitioning into an Australian workplace for the first time.
“It’s important to consider what kind of work you like doing and what kind of business you would like to work for – having values similar to the business you would like to work for will assist in a more suitable employer-employee match.
“Be confident in yourself and your abilities and make the most of opportunities you come across.”
Want to improve your English skills? Want assistance with the transition to work in Australia? STEPS AMEP in Casuarina and Palmerston can help, call 1300 585 868.
The Adult Migrant English Program (AMEP) is funded by the Australian Government Department of Home Affairs.