
Success Stories: Palmerston Vinnies Welcomes Help from Ready for Work Client

Ready for Work participant Chariya worked at Vinnies Palmerston. During her time there she experienced sorting, labelling, stocking shelves, customer service and cashier work.

Vinnies Palmerston were really happy with Chariya, expressing she fit in very well with staff and volunteers and they would be more than happy for Chariya to continue volunteer work with them. Chariya really enjoyed working at Vinnies, and hopefully she will continue with her volunteer work.

To help with the transition to work in Australia, Adult Migrant English Program (AMEP) students may be eligible to participate in STEPS’ Ready for Work program. Interested? Follow the link to find out more.

AMEP Ready for Work participant working at Vinnies Palmerston

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Ready for Work client working in real estate in Palmerston.