STEPS Casuarina Christmas Party

After a busy and successful year of training at the STEPS Education and Training Casuarina campus, there was cause for celebration in December.

It was also a time to reflect on the past year and cherish the friendships made through the Adult Migrant English Program (AMEP) classes.

Students, their families, staff and volunteers had a wonderful day singing Christmas songs and playing music together. Christmas lunch followed with beautiful dishes from around the globe prepared by the students and staff.

It was a great way to end the year and celebrate the connections made through learning.

The AMEP classes teach English language skills to help settle migrants successfully in Australia with people with similar backgrounds, experiences and goals.

Students learn about Australian values, cultures, laws, and various topics to make working, studying and living in Australia’s day-to-day life easier.  Some of these topics include;

  • life skills, culture, loss of family or friends
  • health and safety
  • managing money and banking
  • public transport and driving
  • the childcare and education system
  • the medical system and services
  • the law and legal systems

AMEP classes also help build community networks and friendships.

For information on starting FREE English lessons with STEPS, call 1300 585 868 

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