Contact us today for information on starting your FREE English lessons with STEPS. 

Casuarina & Palmerston – 1300 585 868
Alice Springs – (08) 8950 7600


Adult Migrant English Program

Learn practical English to help you access services, work, study, and enjoy your life in Australia.

  • Unlimited hours of free English lessons
  • Study English for living, working and studying in Australia
  • Find out about government and community services
  • Get support to help you learn
  • Make new friends while you study
  • Plan your future in Australia
  • Eligibility criteria apply*
People learning in the classroom

What is the Adult Migrant English Program?

The Adult Migrant English Program provides unlimited hours of free English language lessons to eligible migrants and humanitarian entrants. If you have been granted a permanent visa or eligible temporary visa and speak little or no English, you may be eligible for AMEP. Some migrant youths aged between 15 and 17 years of age may also be eligible.  Find out if you’re eligible for FREE English lessons with the Adult Migrant English Program.

For translation services call the Translating and Interpreting Service (TIS National) on 131 450 before phoning

Flexible Class Times

STEPS offer flexible class times – Find out more

STEPS provide flexible class times to fit in with your family, work, or other study commitments.  You have the option of attending classes during the day or night, on the days and times that suit you best. Please check class times with each location.

Casuarina: Monday to Friday 8.45am – 3pm (Tuesday & Wednesday evening classes 6pm -9pm)
Monday to Friday 8.45am – 3pm (Tuesday & Wednesday evening classes 6pm -9pm)
Alice Springs: Monday to Thursday 8.45am – 3pm

What will I learn?

In your AMEP classes you will be learning English language skills that will help you settle successfully in Australia with people with similar backgrounds, experiences and goals. You will learn about Australian values, cultures and laws, and a range of topics that will make it easier for you to work, study and enjoy life in Australia.  Some of these topics include;

  • life skills, culture, loss of family or friends
  • health and safety
  • managing money and banking
  • public transport and driving
  • the child care and education system
  • the medical system and services
  • the law and legal systems

Contact us today for information on starting your FREE English lessons with STEPS 

Fill in the form above or call

Casuarina & Palmerston – 1300 585 868
Alice Springs – (08) 8950 7600

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